Talk on “ Net Zero by 2050” by Dr. B.G.Desai
Energy Conservation - Efficiency Curriculum
Energy Conservation - Efficiency Curriculum ITIs, Diploma and Degree Engineering Colleges of the State (Gujarat Energy Development Agency-GEDA).
The last 3-4 decades have observed drastic changes in the energy and environment scenario, and the ill effects of rampant energy usage and its consequences. This has forced the world to rethink about degrading global environment. It has become essential, in fact, for every citizen to obtain education on Energy and Environment so as that they are able to contribute to the cause of energy and environment conservation.
There are over 13000 ITIs in the country offering about 130 courses, which are annually qualifying about 40,000 technicians. These trained students qualify to become shop-floor workers in industries. Energy conservation education to these prospective students provides value additions and enhances their knowledge base, which could have dual benefits of job opportunities to the students and benefit the industries in their energy conservation practices. The Employability Scheme (ES) aimed at providing literacy in English, IT, Communication, Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education. The Environment Education component includes Energy Conservation, Global Warming, Water and Environment Conservation and imparting education in these areas could have co-benefits in terms of enhancing their knowledge, its application in industries and reducing energy consumption levels and ultimately the emission levels.
The ITI qualified technicians greatly contribute to the workforce in industries, where the scope for energy conservation is the maximum. Providing basic exposure about energy conservation and energy efficiency to ITI students would go a long way in promoting energy conservation in the industrial sector which is the largest consumer of commercial energy. With this background the centre designed, developed the resource material and teaching modules.
The Centre therefore proposed to develop ‘Energy Conservation- Efficiency Curriculum’ for ITIs, Diploma and Degree Engineering Colleges of Gujarat State to GEDA. It included design, development and formulation of teaching modules with up-to-date curricula and resource material.
Resource Material and Curriculum for ITI Colleges
Under the project reading material and curriculum for diploma engineering students was also developed and designed for ITI colleges to enhance the learning base of future to be design technicians and students. Teaching and training programs were conducted to formalise the curriculum for ten ITI Colleges in the state.
This reading/teaching material on Energy and Energy Conservation was prepared with an objective to create general awareness about energy conservation and its relevance to environment conservation. The teaching modules and the resource material prepared in an easy to understand terminology and in local language for the better understanding of ITI students enrolled for the two years course. This background literature disseminated along with the teaching modules provided important and useful information on energy and its efficient use and the entire package proved to a reliable source of information for ITIs teachers as well. The reading material on energy conservation for inclusion in the academic curriculum of the - ITI for all technical trades was designed and developed included the following topics:
Topics covered in the ITIs:
- Need for Energy Conservation
- Energy Scenario
- Relationship between Energy and Environment
- Energy Saving Potential
- Concept of Energy Conservation
- What is Energy Conservation
- Conservation in Three Steps
- Energy Conservation for Eco-sufficiency
- Electricity and its Conservation
- Generation, Transmission and Distribution
- Electricity Conservation
- Electricity Tariff and Power Bill Analysis
- Industrial Tariff
- Billing Residential Consumers
- Energy Audit –A Tool for Energy Conservation
- Energy Conservation in Industrial sector
- Systems Approach for Saving Electricity
- Energy Saving in Electrical Utilities
- Pumps and Pumping Systems
- Motors
- Fans and Blowers
- Compressed Air Systems
- Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
- Induction Furnace
- Lighting
- Energy Saving in Thermal Utilities
- Energy Efficient Technologies
- High Efficiency Motors (IS 12615)
- Variable Speed Drives
- Machine Maintenance – For Energy Conservation
- BEE Standard and Labelling Program for Efficient Appliances
- BEE Standard and Labelling Program for Efficient Appliances
- Renewable Energy Sources
- Government Organization for Energy Conservation Promotion
A Guide Book for all ITI trades and Tip Sheets for boilers and steam systems, furnaces, electric motors and drives, pumps, fans and blowers, compressed air systems, refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, cooling towers, lighting devices and energy efficient buildings also formed the part of this curriculum.
Resource Material and Curriculum for Diploma Engineering Colleges
The resource material on energy conservation for Diploma Engineering students was designed in conjunction with the existing curriculum on Energy Conservation and Audit, Thermal Systems and Energy Efficiency courses of the Gujarat Technological University and M S University, Baroda. The teaching modules were divided in 3 Parts. Part 1 of the curriculum was common for all engineering branches and Part 2 and 3 of the curriculum comprised of additional modules for electrical, mechanical and chemical branches.
Topics covered in the Diploma Engineering Teaching Module Part 1, 2 and 3 :
- Energy in India
- Introduction to Energy Conservation
- Energy Audit
- Energy Saving in Electrical and Thermal Utilities
- Maintenance and Energy Conservation
- Financial Analysis, management of Energy Conservation
- Case Studies
- BEE Standard and Labelling
- Carbon Foot Print
- Government Agencies Promoting Energy Conservation
- References
- Existing Curriculum details of GTU and MSU
- Conversion Tables and Glossary
Part 2: of the teaching module covered additional topics in Diploma Electrical Engineering covered are: Electric Motors , Variable speed Drives For Energy Saving, Power Factor and application of Capacitors, Tariffs and Demand Control, Transformers and Cable Losses and case studies.
Part 3: covered the additional topics for Diploma courses in Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Fuels, Boilers, Efficient Steam Utilization, Compressed Air System, Refrigeration and Air conditioner, Cooling Towers and relevant case studies.
A workshop was organized for about 50 experts for industries and energy conservation teachers of the Diploma Engineering Colleges and ITIs was organized at the Centre to review and evaluate the course material. Suggestions and due modification were considered for final version of the teaching modules.