
Renewable Energy Education: Learning-Exposure Program for Primary Schools

 (Gujarat Energy Development Agency - GEDA).

Learning-Exposure Visit sponsored by GEDA to the 10 MW Solar Canal-top Project – the unique engineering marvel in Vadodara, saw the participation of ______students for 21 government municipal schools of Vadodara city.

This Renewable Energy Education program served the purpose of the CSC's mission to inculcate scientific temperament among schools students at the tender age. The program was organized for the students and teachers of 10 Municipal Corporation Schools of Vadodara City. The project providing dual benefits of generating power and saving water of the canal with the Solar Photovoltaic Technology installed on its roof was commissioned in 2015 by SSNNL.

CSC coordinated, planned and executed the study trip by organizing a pre-program meeting in selected municipal schools to generate awareness and provide importance about such a learning and exposure activity. A 56 seated Bus was hired for this visit. The visit to the project site was conducted in two batches - morning and afternoon, as the schools that were identified operated in two shifts. A total number of 600 students (@60 students/School) from Class 6-8 and 20 teachers (@2 teachers/School) participated in the Renewable Energy Education Program to the 10 MW Solar Canal-top Power Project.

A pre-project Visit to the Centre was organized for batches of students for an Orientation Session and Visit to the Energy Exhibition Halls and visit to the 3 KW Solar Roof-top Power Project at the Centre Demo of Renewable Energy Working models.  This activity was followed by the visit to the 10 MW Solar Canal-top Project. The learning-exposure outcome gave a detailed exposure to the Solar Canal-top Power Generation Project. Children were amazed to see how electricity could be generated directly from solar. They also were surprised that the project also saved water as the canal did not receive direct exposure to sun.