
The Conmat Cosmopolitan Tree Garden Award (CCGTA)

The Conmat Cosmopolitan Tree Garden Award (CCGTA) was another popular contest for schools aimed at generating educational awareness on plants and tree species. This annual Contest was initiated in 2010 focused on generating environmental awareness and biodiversity conservation. It was an effort to instill plant caring and gardening habits at a young age. The contest involved participation of school children to plant different tree saplings and nurture them and also participate in a variety of contests under the banner of CCTGA. The Winners of the competitions are rewarded by trophies.

Students developed small gardens in their schools in which, at least 5 different tree species (saplings) were planted and cared by 10 students (Std. 8 -12) under guidance of their teacher. The evaluation team used to visit the school gardens every year and scrutinize schools gardens for final award. The program also include competitions on Drawing/Poster-making, Slogan Writing, Essay Writing and Quiz-based on uses of various plants, their ecological role and biodiversity connectivity. This competition encourages students to learn more about plant. The winners of various competitions are awarded with cash prizes, mementos and certificates. Prior to the commencement of the Contest Children are trained on issues of natural sciences, evolution of trees and how importance to the survival of life on Earth.